What we believe


1.   The Hebrew /Aramaic origin of the Bible including the New testament (Ketuvim HaNetzarim) texts has been disputed for many years.  Of recent times a very early Gospel of Matthew written in Hebrew has been found.  More recently still a Hebrew copy of John’s Gospel has been found in the Vatican records.  These discoveries verify that almost the complete Bible was written by Hebrew writers in the Hebrew language.

2.   A person’s mindset is conditioned by the culture/s that have influenced their family lineages over generations.  Western countries mindsets have been formed from Greek and Roman cultures. Asian countries have mindsets from Middle Eastern and Far Eastern Empires/ Cultures.  The Bible itself says: ‘When I have bent Judah for me, filled the bow with Ephraim, and raised up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Greece, and made thee as the sword of a mighty man’ Zec 9:13. This tells us Hebrew thinking will be in conflict with Greek - Roman thinking if we truly wish to understand the Bible correctly.


3.   The Bible precepts are found in the Tanakh (Old Testament). These are usually called commands (which the church incorrectly calls ‘Law”).   These precepts give the manner in which Israel as a people should relate to each other and to YHWH!  Yahshua showed this to the people perfectly since He lived these precepts without fault.  We are supposed to become living images of this lifestyle according to Paul’s writings.

4.   When the nation of Israel was formed at Mt Sinai, YHWH said that they were His special people.  Nowhere in the Bible has this been nullified.  A study of ‘church’ history shows that ‘the church’ is a man-made organization. One of the ‘keys to the kingdom of YHWH’ is to understand that not only is Israel still YHWH’s special people but that they were split into  two parts (Houses) each with a different destiny in YHWH’s plans for this world.



5.   The division of Israel into two houses after Solomon’s rule resulted in TWO parts of Israel called the Two Houses of Israel.  One part (House) is called the House of Judah, the other part is variously called in the Bible – the House of Israel, or the House of Ephraim and twice as the House of Joseph.  The people in this second House are NOT Jews!!  One of the greatest errors made by the church believers is to assume that the Jewish people are ALL Israel and that ALL Israel are the Jewish people.  THIS IS TOTALLY INCORRECT.  The Bible teaches that there is a ‘House of Israel’ which are non-Jews yet is still part of Israel.

6.   These two Houses of Israel have distinctly different destinies in YHWH’s plans.  From the time of their breaking apart YHWH has used the people of these two houses to fulfil promises He has made to Abraham, Isaac and Ya’akov.  These promises are still being completed in our times.  Once these promises have been concluded then these two Houses will be brought together (unified) at the time YHWH’s kingdom is established on earth.